Wer immer tut, was er schon kann,

bleibt immer das, was er schon ist.

(Zitat Henry Ford)




I have forgiven mistakes that were unforgivable,
I have tried to replace those who were unreplaceable
and tried to forget those who were unforgettable.
I have done things on impulse.
I have been let down by those whom I thought would never let me down
but I have also let others down.
I have laughed when It was almost impossible to laugh.
I have held someone to protect them.
I have made life long friends, I’ve loved and been loved.
I have screamed and jumped for joy,
I have lived on love and made eternal promises of love.
I have fallen many times.
I have cried while listening to music and also when looking at photos.
I have called someone just to hear their voice.
I have fallen in love with a smile.
I have also thought I was going to die from loosing someone special
and I did loose them! but I lived! And I still live!
I don’t allow life to pass me by
What is really good is to fight with determination,
embrace life and live it with passion!
Loose your battles with class and dare to win
because the world belongs to those who dare and live,
Life is worth too much to be insignificant…"

manuela r.
manuela r.

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